Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Blowin' in the Wind

I've been promising my friend Dylan this post for awhile.  He really has tried just about everything to get me to write about him.  He deserves a lot of credit.

Unfortunately, his attempts will greatly decrease since he is leaving us for lovely Indiana, so I'm just going to give in.  This one time.

I think about all the friends I've met in Los Angeles, a place where I initially knew not one soul, and I can't believe how fortunate I have been.  The bonds that have been formed are nothing short of incredible and surrounding memories are everlasting.
I don't really remember when Dylan was thrown into the mix.  I probably said two words to him during the first few months just because that's how I am.  But his constant presence at everything we did eventually wore me down, I'm sure.

Either that or one of the hundreds of pick up lines he's used on me.

Honestly, I don't think I've had one person be so persistant.  Of course, I never really took him seriously.

I remember after he got his cast removed, for months I still expected to see him with it.  It was like I didn't recognize him without it.  That was weird.
I guess that's what it will be like seeing W.T. playing beer pong without Dylan.

Or beirut.  Whatever.  STFU.

This kinda sounds like Dylan is dead.

He currently is not.
Losing another dear friend to another state reenforced my realization of how often we take our friends for granted.  A habit I'd really like to kick.

It started with Spurg leaving for Nashville.  He was always there and then he wasn't.  

Now, Dylan takes a bow.

I think it will hit the hardest when we all get together, notice he's not there, and know it's not just because he has to work or he's at another party.  He won't be there because he'll be off meeting new people, making new memories, forming new bonds.
I feel like despite the disappointments, the break-ups, the moving on, and growing apart that naturally occurs between a large group of friends, by simply being a part of it at one time or another, you are forever a puzzle piece.  Forever connected.

Like any puzzle that's kept for a long time, pieces are bound to be lost, but more than likely they are irreplaceable.  That deserves to be acknowledged.  
And who knows, when we least expect it, we may find a piece or two again one day.

I can't speak for anyone but myself, but Dylan, just like Spurg, you are an integral piece of my puzzle and it will be hard to ignore your absence.
I could tell you how amazingly sweet and caring and intelligent you are.  

But I don't feel like it.

I should wish you the best of luck.

But you don't need it.

I would hope you don't forget us.

But you won't.  Pretty sure the internet will make that impossible.
I don't really know what else to say.  There are only so many ways to express how much one will be missed and I'm not good with words.

Dylan, I hope there is a super hot smart girl waiting for you in the Midwest because you certainly are deserving.

I know you're still in town, but once you actually do fucking leave, please come back soon.


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