Friday, May 13, 2011


Welp.  I have a boyfriend.  And to all those who swear by "You'll find him when you least expect it" I call bullshit.  

Sure, maybe you'll bump into some cute guy (girl) at Starbucks and accidentally spill some of your sugar with a hint of coffee drink on his (her) neatly pressed, light blue, eye matching shirt (dress) that cost him $199 dollars at Marc Jacobs for Men (Anthropologie), and he'll (she'll) just flash a dazzling smile, say it's fine and ask you to join him (her).  


Let me be clear, in case it wasn't painfully obvious up until this point, I was looking.  I had been looking for awhile.  And you know what, if I hadn't spent all that time looking, I would have never figured out exactly what I wanted.  All those awful or bland first dates were in no way a waste of time, they were learning experiences.  Do you know what I would have learned if I hadn't been "looking?"


I'd still be a miserable bitch complaining about how I don't understand why I can't meet a nice guy.

For the first time in, perhaps ever, I feel that in no way am I settling.  There is no, "...but I wish he..."  And for me, that's pretty incredible.

Remember my rant about "The Talk?"  Here's how ours went:

Me:  Blah blah blah blah
Him:  Blah blah blah
Me:  Blah blah (No mention of what we were doing, or where the two of us stood, or where was it going.)
Him:  Just so you know, I have no interest in dating or sleeping with anyone else.
Me:  Oh.  Me neither.
Him:  Then it's settled.

How fucking easy was that?  Seriously.

That's how it should be.

How long did we wait until we had sex?  I know at least one of you dicks are wondering.  A month.

No, I did not have a date set and was keeping my legs closed until then.  It was completely organic.  It was about getting to know the person first.  You know, like everyone says you should.  

It was amazing.  An unparalleled physical and emotional connection. Still is.  Enough said.

On Easter I met his parents.  At first he gave me the choice to join them for dinner or not.  After all, it had only been a month.

"No" was my immediate mental response.

Then, he said if I was going to say no because I'd feel awkward for no other reason than I'd be meeting them, I had to go, because no matter how long I would wait, I'd feel just as awkward.

Yep, he's got me pegged.

did not want to go.  I was nervous.  I don't really like people.

His dad noticed my knees were all black and blue (from playing catcher during softball) and he asked me if they were begging bruises.

I told him his son wasn't lucky enough, yet.  I was able to breathe after that.

So happily ever after?  Uh, who knows.  I'm pretty good at fucking things up.

But don't worry, I'll keep you posted.

And yes, he is aware of this blog, and that I may or may not write about him.

A few weeks ago, I sent him one of my posts as an example.  Then, I sent him the link in case he wanted full disclosure.  His response:

"I feel like this peels back a certain side of you that I want to get to know in context.  
That can't happen if I pour through your blog picking and choosing quotes that I file away in ways that may or may not be relevant to who We are...planting false seeds of doubt and unreal fantasies from your past along a lush path that we have yet to dance upon."

I'm a bit jaded and cynical, but I had to pause after reading that.  I mean, mock me as you will, but it's pretty fantastic.  I feel incredibly lucky to have met a guy who is able and willing to communicate.  And is damn good at it.

I would say I've waited awhile for him.  He would say we've waited awhile for each other.

Moral of the story - Put yourself out there.  I don't mean sell yourself on the corner, but if you're really hurting for money, just be sure to slap a wrapper on it.

Dylan, I did not forget about you, I'm just waiting for our weekend adventure.

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