Monday, May 30, 2011

Dear Last Night

To all my friends who were at Bar Lubitsch last night, thank you and I'm sorry.

First, it was just really fucking great to see all your faces.  Second, I appreciate everyone following their "hello" with some version of "is your boyfriend here?"  

Friday, May 13, 2011


Welp.  I have a boyfriend.  And to all those who swear by "You'll find him when you least expect it" I call bullshit.  

Sure, maybe you'll bump into some cute guy (girl) at Starbucks and accidentally spill some of your sugar with a hint of coffee drink on his (her) neatly pressed, light blue, eye matching shirt (dress) that cost him $199 dollars at Marc Jacobs for Men (Anthropologie), and he'll (she'll) just flash a dazzling smile, say it's fine and ask you to join him (her).  
